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Executive Healthcare EHC

Executive Healthcare offers an elite comprehensive executive health assessment tailored to your needs, emphasizing personalized care in the Twin Cities. Our program meticulously evaluates your medical history, laboratory tests, and previous diagnostics, leading to a detailed two-hour physical examination and a customized health optimization plan. Our program coordinator ensures a streamlined process, requiring 4-6 weeks of preparation for a highly personalized evaluation. Costs are billable to insurance as out-of-network benefits, with potential for corporate reimbursement.

Our concierge healthcare service includes the executive health exam, year-round health management, and care coordination, highlighting our commitment to unparalleled access and patient-centric care. We focus on building lasting relationships, exploring health concerns, and involving you in the decision-making process. Additionally, we offer advanced preventative health services, such as cancer screenings, cardiovascular risk assessments, and mental health evaluations.

A partnership with WELLWAY allows for collaboration to enhance and provide holistic health recommendations tailored to your lifestyle, including nutrition, exercise, and integrative medicine consultations. At Executive Healthcare, we strive to exceed your healthcare expectations, fostering a healthier, more vibrant you.


Discover all the services offered through the EHC Elite – Concierge Program. We offer care for both Medicare and non-Medicare patients.

Executive Physical Exam

EHC’s Executive Physical Exam provides a thorough, efficient and timely evaluation of the executive’s health and a plan of action based on the conclusions.

EHC Elite - Concierge Program

Renews in  July for Medicare-age patients.

Program Features

✔️= Included in Program, $$ Patient Responsibility

Annual Executive Physical Exam (2 Hours)

Pre-operative Visit for surgical clearance



 Post Hospital Follow Up Visit



Annual Medication Review Visit (45 min - 1 hour)


Cryotherapy (removal of skin tags and keratosis)



 Memory Testing (MMSE)



 Ear Wax Removal



Heart Rhythm Monitoring Device w/report (CAM)


24-Hour Blood Pressure Monitor w/report


Watchpat One Sleep Apnea At-Home-Test


Routine Office or Telehealth Visits (30 minutes)


Nurse Visits - Office or Phone Consult (10-15 minutes)


In-office Lab Only Visits



EKG with Interpretation



Spirometry (breathing test)


Immunizations - Tetanus (Tdap) & Influenza


Physician Emergency After Hours Consult


24 Hour Physician Access



Dedicated Patient Care Coordinator



Nurse Phone Triage during clinic hours



Continuity of Care



 Scheduling of Consults, Referrals & Tests per orders



Thorough, Convenient Health Care



Prescription Management (Annual Physical or Med Review Required)



Prior Authorizations - Medications & Testing



Dr. Plimpton - HealthCare Directive



** Tetanus (TdaP) and influenza (flu) 

Executive Physical Exam


To provide a thorough, efficient and timely assessment of the executive’s overall health based upon a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of test results, patient input, and physical exam to provide a thoughtful conclusion and plan of action.


    1. Pre-Exam Analysis:
      • Patient Questionnaire regarding health history and lifestyle pattern sent to patient and returned to us.
        • Review of Questionnaire by physician and exam planning.
        • Itinerary sent to executive.
    2. Examination—Allow 2 1/2 hours
      • Thorough physical exam.
      • Prostate or pelvic/pap smear exam (unless recently completed by urologist or gynecologist).
      • Hearing and Vision Screening.
      • Spirometry (breathing capacity).
      • EKG
      • Comprehensive Laboratory Analysis.
        • Complete Blood Count (hemoglobin, white count, differential and platelet count), Comprehensive Metabolic Chemistry Panel (sodium, potassium, CO2, chloride, glucose, calcium, BUN, creatinine, alk p-tase, ALT, AST, bilirubin, albumin, total protein), Cholesterol Panel (total cholesterol, HDL, triglycerides, LDL), CPK (if taking a statin), Iron/Iron binding capacity, TSH and Free T4, hs-CRP, CRP, Sed Rate, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Uric Acid, Urinalysis and Hep C unless already completed.
        • PSA/Testosterone for men and FSH in women when appropriate
    3. Analysis of Additional Testing per Physician Recommendation or Patient Request (Testing Fees are billed separately by the facility performing the test)
      • Complete colonoscopy.
        •   Family history or personal history of colon cancer.
        •   Personal history of inflammatory bowel disease/rectal or colonic polyps.
      • Radiology/Imaging, including mammography, ultrasound, CT, MRI, etc.
      • Chest x-ray (if indicated – NOT in office)
      • Cardiology evaluation including stress test; further testing based on analysis of above.
      • Other subspecialty evaluations based on review of Questionnaire/exam findings.
      • CT Coronary calcium scan.
      • Additional laboratory studies NOT outlined in Section 2 above.
      • WELLWAY concierge wellness advisors.
    4. Additional Consultations Available
      • Exercise and Fitness Counseling.
    1. Physicians will provide a comprehensive evaluation, analysis, and conclusions.
      • Verbal report
        • Preliminary report at time of appointment
        • May be the starting point for more intensive evaluation, if necessary.
      • Written report
        • Findings, conclusions, and suggestions sent to the executive and any agreed-upon parties.
        • Copies of all results
    1. Executive Health Care Fee Structure
      • Pre-examination analysis, complete physical examination, laboratory exam, EKG, Spirometry, etc. as outlined in Sections 1, 2 and 5 and results analysis is billed by Specialists in Internal Medicine P.A./Executive Health Care as a flat-rate fee-for-service. 
      • Additional testing as outlined in Section 3 and 4 will be billed by the facility performing the test(s) and is NOT included in the flat-rate fee-for-service noted above.
      • Dietary counseling and exercise counseling fees will be individualized based upon services received.
      • The executive or his/her company will be responsible for payment upon receipt of the invoice.
      • Executive Health Care does not hold contracts with any insurance companies including Medicare.  We will submit a claim for services provided by the clinic to your insurance plan (except for Medicare or Medicare primary plans).  Insurance coverage will be according to your “Out-of-Network” benefits or a “nonparticipating physician”.  Coverage/payment will follow your individual insurance policy.  Questions regarding your plans’ Out-of-Network coverage should be directed to your plan administrator or policy representative.

Get Started

To get started, contact us below or click the button to find the forms needed to be filled out before your first appointment.

Phone: 612-871-6268
Fax: 612-870-1666
Email: office@ehc.bz